Analyze apache logs with awk

awk is a great tool for a short hands on command line analysis of apache requests. The correct syntax depends on the LogFormat of course (which for compliance reasons i cannot state here). Today I was looking for requests that take longer than 3…

HTTP Pragmas

Today I wanted to find out if a specific URL is cached by Akamai Edge Servers. In my Browser (Chrome) I used a list of Pragmas. But to my surprise this did not work as it used to. Only the last Pragma was used….

Install rpm on Ubuntu

Found this on Shortcut: apt update apt upgrade install alien alien PACKAGE.rpm dpkg -i PACKAGE.deb

AWS: restart EC2 on failure

For this blog here i have an ec2 instance. To avoid costs, i don’t have a loadbalancer, just an ASG with a desired size of 1 instance. Sometimes the DB-connection can become buggy in which case the easiest automated fix is to simply restart…

Temporary E-Mail inbox

Need a temporary email address for testing purposes?

AWS::EC2 how to enable custom metrics

Due to shared responsibility and compliance AWS cannot look beyond the hypervisor, so AWS cannot monitor things like memory usage or disk usage. To enable these metrics, you must tweak the OS a bit. The best reference i found is here: Here’s the…

wordpress and let’s encrypt

Here’s how to install Let’s Encrypt for SSL-certificates on Ubuntu1804 assuming you have apache (lamp) and wordpress running already and you own the domain you are using, of course. add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot apt install python-certbot-apache certbot –apache -d -d certbot renew –dry-run make…

Sat my AWS SysOps Admin exam, April 10th 2019

Happy to have passed my AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam. There is a blueprint for requisites to pass the exam, i would say you need some months experience and about 8 weeks of (determined) preparation. Surprising fact for me was that there was…